Halley comments [1] about how…

Halley comments about how blogging being resembles open source software development, where you have to do some “cranial scuba diving”, and “YOU NEED TO GET INTO ANOTHER PERSONíS HEAD”.

She then goes on to talk about a similar concept in relation to a former marriage and wonders, if there was some way to help partners to think more alike, if the marriage would still be together.

Could it be that part of what allows people to have healthy and happy relationships is exposing themselves to as many varied points of view as possible. Then you have more areas to disagree on, as well as more areas to find common interest and agreement. I think that one of the good things about the relationship with my wife was not necessarily our ability to think alike, but our ability to find so many things that we did agree on, which meant we didn’t have to argue to try and convince each other on those that we didn’t.

I think that part of blogging, at least the reading of blogs, is a way to be exposed to more varied points of view. More possibilities, more people that think I’m wrong, and more chances for me to see other perspectives.

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