Standard Answers

Standard Answers

We used to play Trivial Pursuit, once upon a time.  They came out with an additional card deck for Baby Boomers.  I remember all the entertainment questions being from a couple years before my time.  I guess we were on the younger end of the boomers era 🙂  Any way I would get the wacky questions about TV shows that I knew of but never watched.  I never new the answers for what the actors names were.  To save time when I didn’t know the answer I would use a standard answer of Audrey Meadows.  So for any question at any time that required the name of an actor or actress my response was always Audrey Meadows

When Chelsey was little she would ask these questions about when something was going to happen.  They were usually questions that didn’t have a definite answer of a specific date or time.  I gave up trying to explain that I didn’t know exactly when that something was going to happen.  She would of course argue the point and want a definitive answer.  My response was “Tuesday!”  Now the answer to almost any question about when something is going to happen is “Tuesday!”  I’m hoping now that my someday, my good news day, will be “Tuesday!”

“Maybe I shall meet her Sunday
Maybe Monday
Maybe not
Still I’m sure to meet her one day
Maybe Tuesday
Will be my good news day”
From “The Man I Love”
Billy Holliday

My current standard answer is “we are doing fine”.

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