Grieving is such a unique…

Grieving is such a unique experience.  No two people grieve in the same way.  That said everyone seems to go through the same phases at one point or another.  One of these is the process of saying goodbye.  See my earlier post about Jackie Kennedy to see her comments on this phase.

I wonder, if for those who have no children, the saying goodbye phase is easier.  For me it seems impossible.  How can I say goodbye to my daughters’ mother?  There is a feeling of having to sever ties to the past before being able to move forward.  See the movie “Always” for scenes on this experience.  How can I possible say goodbye to their mother.  She will always be such an important part of our lives.  This can be so hard.  You want to progress, move forward, into the future, and yet I am so tied to the past, what is gone.

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