We’ll have to see what…

We’ll have to see what the menu holds for tonight, when I stopped at the store last night they had some spaghetti squash and nice Plant City strawberries.  I saw a recipe for spaghetti squash somewhere that sounded good.  I can’t remember where I saw it so I may have to wing it and make it from memory.  I cleaned a couple quarts of fresh strawberries and layed them out on a sheet pan to freeze in the freezer.  Nothing like a fresh frozen berry to cool you off on a warm day.  Not that it’s that warm here right now 🙂  They make great fruit smoothies too.  A few frozen berries, a banana, a little yogurt and some milk, Yum!

Last night I just couldn’t wait for some fresh baked bread so I went ahead and fired up the bread machine and made some Bob’s Potato Bread.  I have an old 1 lb. machine and I keep trying to make 1 1/2 lb. loaves in it.  It ends making this giant mushroom looking thing that sticks to the top of the machine and makes a real mess of yummy tasting bread.  Might be time for a new bread machine.

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