I used to know a Dish

Deb talks about being a dish.  I have been thinking about this quite a bit.  In her case there is an old friend that she has contacted again.  Her old friend used the meal that can’t be recreated at home in reference to their relationship.  In my case I look at the concept of not being able to recreate that relationship that I had with Cindy.  I guess I need to look at it in a way were I need to try and find a different “dish” with different flavors and textures.  This is all pretty much moot at the moment as I don’t have time to go out to eat, so to speak, and look for any kind of “dishes”.  The thing I am struggling with right now is arranging the things i my life so I will have a chance to go out to eat every now and then.  If you don’t get an opportunity to try a new dish you won’t know what they might taste like and which ones you might really like.

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