I was listening to some…

I was listening to some of the Blogher podcasts over at IT Conversations
and there was some interesting talk about linking and A-List bloggers.
As a blogger who writes a journal style blog the talk about A-Lists, and
top 100 lists, and not finding women bloggers in searches just sounded

The blogs I read regularly are on my list of subscriptions because they
say interesting things. Write interesting things and people will find you.

I currently subscribe to 130 sites, and I usually end up traveling to
maybe a half dozen other sites that are linked from my subscriptions. I
don’t read 131 sites everyday, I only “see” the ones that have updated,
and of those I only go and read them if it sounds like an interesting

Today I posted a few links to things that I found interesting this
morning. It just so happens that two are blogs by women and the other
is poetry by a smart young woman on her grandfather’s site.

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