Love or Happiness

I received a very nice electronic New Years Card today.  I really enjoyed it.  And then I thought about it for a while.

Chelsey and I are good at having arguments sometimes.  Today we had a nice discussion, er, argument about my attempts at guessing what kind of food she would like me to get at the grocery store. 

Lindsey gladly goes grocery shopping with me.  That way she gets what she likes to eat.  Chelsey on the other hand almost passes out at the uttering of the word grocery.  You would think that spending a few minutes in the local trash n’ karry was like being sent to one of those prisons where they don’t torture the prisoners.  So she was upset that even though the fridge and the cupboard are filled to overflowing with a variety of food, there wasn’t anything to eat.  So I explained it from my point of veiw, she yelled at me from her point of view and then we degenerate to yelling about what words we did or didn’t just say 🙂  It ends up being a discussion, er, argument about whether I said allways or all the time, or everytime, not about whatever it was that happens all the time, or everytime, or none of the time as the case may be.

So I was reading this very nice News Years Card with that sort of deep semantic thought process.  I got to the end where it says,

“Happiness that lasts months
Friendships that last years
But most of all
LOVE that lasts a lifetime!”

So I thought about that last line for a while,  and specifically the differences bewteen a love that lasts a lifetime, and having someone to love for a lifetime.  In my case I feel like I’ve experienced the love that lasts a lifetime.  Many widows and widowers have that knowledge that they will always love the one that they have lost.  There is an emotional scar in us that doesn’t ever heal, and our love for the one we have lost settles in and around that scar so that everytime we feel the pain of that wound we also feel the love that will be there forever along with that scar and it’s pain.

So I have to wonder if that is enough, a love that will be with me for the rest of my life.  A love that can’t be given back.  Can’t be expressed in the ways love should be.  And I read back a few lines and decide that for now I would hope to find Happiness that lasts months.  I know that I have friendships that will last years.  I met many of those friends at the New Years dinner and parties  last night.  Though those friendships are somehow different now.  They to can’t be shared the way they once were. 

So I’m all for a year that doesn’t suck, and I’m hopeful…  (that word sounds interesting) that this year I can find Happiness that lasts months.  Knowing that you can’t just choose to be happy, but you can choose to have fun.

Here’s to a fun year that has hope for happiness, and doesn’t suck.

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