Cleaning House

Halley is cleaning house. “What a treat! I am building a clean new life with a lot less STUFF in it. Out with the old, in with the new.”

“I got a really lovely woman to come help me and she’s been helping me declutter. She’s kind of a maid/genius/organizer/no nonsense woman.” Yes, I had someone just like that too, but she’s not here anymore.

One big difference between divorce and widowhood.  I can’t imagine cleaning out things.  All I have is memories and the last thing I want to do is get rid of any of them.  That goes over to other things as well.  The old Tupperware plates we got when the girls were just toddlers.  How many meals did Cindy feed them off of those plates.  The plates are old, stained, misshapened and way past ready to be replaced.  But when I took them out of the cabinet to throw them away I couldn’t.  It’s like throwing away a few more little pieces of my past, my memories.  So I put them in the garage, with the dozens of garbage bags of other things that I can’t get rid of.

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