Old times, old photos

Back in the year 2000 Cindy and I got to take a trip to Prague with my sister and brothers.  We went in June and it was a beautiful Prague Spring.  Back in those days there weren’t any moblogs or cell phone cameras even though we wished there were.  Brother Larry did have a digital camera and we brought our old fashioned film cameras to record our trip.  We did have access to blogs back then including the one we set up on Weblogs.com.  Thanks to the generosity of Dave and the folks at Userland we were able to visit the local Internet cafes to post updates while we were there so family and friends at home could follow along on our trip.

Recently changes with Dave and Userland meant that the Weblogs.com sites had enjoyed their time on Userland’s servers and needed to find new homes.  I had a couple of sites there including our travel log.  The travel log hasen’t been updated for years but I still go back now and then to visit.  When the Weblogs.com sites went down for a few days it was kind of sad not being able to go look at those pages.  It took a couple of day but the sites are back up at a temporary home.

Once at the new home there were some links on the pages that referenced the old server.  The folks handling the move of the sites are working on fixing things so links to the old addresses will redirect to the new location.  I went ahead and paged through each day of our trip and ‘fixed’ the links manually so they will go to the new site.

It was another bittersweet experience looking at those old photos of the two of us.  Remembering how magical that trip was, the great times we had together.

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